Monday, January 12, 2009

China girl woes

I was probably the only person I know to be upset by the news that Waterford Wedgwood are in danger of going bust. And in order to bolster themselves against a threatening debt of several million euros, the centuries-old English china producer is moving its production to Asia. This shift means not only that thousands of English and Irish workers will lose their jobs but opens up the possibility of the company using and abusing cheap labour in Indonesia and China. It at least means a significant drop in sales as collectors are likely to turn their noses up at the “Made in China” sticker on the bottom of the plate. I for one am relieved that the company isn’t erupting into flames just yet. If we lost Wedgwood we would loose such and beautifully crafted pieces as the famous "Willow" pattern below (a personal favourite of mine) and all the history that goes with them.

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