I heart Limedrop. Everything they produce is bold, playful, 100% Aussie and downright cute. All of their clothes are produced ethically, making them them extra super crush-worthy. My Limedrop crush began about two years ago when I got my cube cherrywood necklace. But it's been bittersweet - Limedrop isn't stocked anywhere in Brisbane except at the
Outpost, which for a while now has only carried its accessories. It's just not fair - Melbourne is spoilt rotten with choice at Pussycat Black, Kids in Berlin and Lady Boutique. Even Indonesia stocks more than we do in Brisbane. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that someone (maybe Violent Green?) will eventually bring me the goods, but in the meantime I can be satisfied with the opening of the Limedrop's new
online store. Although I won't have the sweet touch of Limedrop fabric on my skin, it means we can finally be together, even turns out to be a long-distance thing.
Photos are from 'The Huntsman' Autumn/Winter 09 Collection.