Monday, December 22, 2008

Hunter Happy

It only takes one fantastic Australian designer to prove that the the world's most exciting fashion isn't just found in Paris, Milan, New York, or even Sydney and Melbourne. In the case of Carly Hunter, you'll find it in Perth, a city most East-coasters cast off along with Adelaide as little better than Canberra. But Hunter's 'Temporary Shelters' collection has caught the attention of Brisbane's ever reliable fun fashion culprit the Outpost and its loyal customers. The collection is perfect for summer and can be added to in all number of different ways (I love the dad socks in the photos below). Hunter represents womanly elegance as hiding behind girly simplicity by contrasting alluring textures such as pure silk and lines that highlight womanly curves, with soft, natural colours, simple shapes and the odd cheeky tassle. Temporary Shelters is a manifestation of the youth, sass and creative style of the truly sexy Australian lady, and proudly shows that from little towns big things can grow.

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