Monday, December 22, 2008

This Year.

I have accomplished many things this year of which I am rightfully be proud of. I got a boyfriend who I'm crazy about and have managed to keep around for a whole year, a new job earning me sweet dollars and giving me a step up in my career, impressive uni results and a brand new house in which I am living away from my parents for the first time. Only a couple of shit things happened, our 20 year-old cat had to be put down, and the law school didn't approve my exchange because I hadn't completed a couple of core subjects. Shit happens. But one thing I'm dissappointed about is the fact that I have hardly been able to keep any decent friends. I'm not usually one for proclaiming the details of my personal life to the entire blogging community, but today I want to say something. I am finished with those individuals who claimed to be my 'friends' but who repeatedly excluded me from social gatherings because (a) they forgot about me, (b) I couldn't be reached via facebook event invitation or (c) they just didn't want me there. I'm finished with the friends who made bets about how long my boyfriend and I would last (whom I proved wrong). And I'm finished with the friends who were too self-indulgent and lazy to acknowledge my moving out of home, congratulate me on my new job, show some empathy when my cat died or when my exchange got knocked back, or to even call me for the occasional chat. I'm finished with kissing asses and feeling like I'm not good enough. I'm an awesome individual and it's my resolution to find some friends who actually share that view. Happy New Year!


Just another girl. said...

I agree!
You certainly are awesome Robin!

Coffee and cake!
Coffee and caaakkkeeeee!!!

vinylnerd said...

Hell yeah Robby! Onward and upward! Hope you have a great Christmas :)